Your Tea with Organic Ohio Grown Ingredients. Allow us to hand blend your unique tea creation:
1. CHOOSE Base Tea: Black, Green, White, Rooibos, or Honeybush
2. CHOOSE Ingredients: Select up to 8 total
- Fruit: apple, apricot, banana chips, blueberry, blackberry, cantaloupe, cherry, cranberry, currant, dates, fig, goji berry, green apple, guava, lemon, lime, mango, mulberry, orange, blood orange, peach, persimmon, pumpkin, raisin, raspberry, strawberry.
- Veggies: beets, carrot, kale, sweet potato,
- Flowers: calendula, chrysanthemum, hibiscus, jasmine, lavender, peony, rose, rose hip.
-Nuts: almond, hazelnut, pistachio, pecan, walnut.
-Herbs & Spices: allspice, cinnamon, clove, fennel, ginger root, ginger leaf, Icelandic moss, lemongrass, lemon myrtle, licorice root, mallow root, nutmeg, peppermint, sage, savory spice, spearmint, thyme, vanilla bean, white pepper.
3. Enter your ingredients in the COMMENT section at checkout